sour dough starter

Sourdough Starter
If you are interested in sourdough starter making or sourdough bread, this is the place for you!
what you get. Our 1-ounce jar of FRESH sourdough starter will get you started on the road to building and maintaining the culture you need to make great sourdough
Fernando Padilla, Plant Manager of Boudin Bakery in San Francisco, CA with sourdough starter that has been used there

Anlasser Wiki
Sourdough - Wikipedia, the free.
White Flour Sourdough Starter: Rye Sourdough Starter: Whole Wheat Sourdough Starter: Nine varieties to choose from including starter cultures from San Francisco
Classic Fresh Sourdough Starter - 1 oz..
Sourdough Starter
Sourdough is a bread product made by a long fermentation of dough using naturally occurring lactobacilli and yeasts. In comparison with breads made quickly with
sour dough starter
Microsoft Starter 2010 Downloadsour dough starter
Information about how to create sourdough starter at home, including sourdough recipes for bread, muffins and more.